Energy Innovation Hub Startups Unlock Funding Tickets of up to 20K USD Each

Energy Innovation Hub Startups Unlock Funding Tickets of up to 20K USD Each

The Energy Innovation Hub program kicked off back in June 2021 with the aim to help power Lebanon, contributing to a truly sustainable economy.

23 promising startups had joined the program and have been working on innovative solutions in the global energy sector and transitioning industries such as agriculture, fashion, and transportation, towards sustainability.

Four startups have received $20,000 ticket (each) and will go through an acceleration journey focused on turning LOIs into paying customers, growing their teams, and preparing to raise follow on funding. The startups are:

  • DOX Technologies
    Is helping electric vehicle fleet operators reduce inventory costs, battery waste, and sudden failures while optimizing battery maintenance processes by providing a battery predictive analytics platform built using a proprietary machine learning algorithm.
  • PV Bot Cleaner
    An automated cleaning solution for solar panels. It consists of an innovative, fast, and fully automated cleaning robot for medium and large-sized PV farms.
  • SunCode
    SunCode is a convective solar drying machine that allows a safer, faster, and easier method of drying food products.
  • Wave
    Offers electric bicycles as a subscription for citizens to commute in an efficient way.

Besides, a round of $5,000 has been granted as a PoC (proof of concept) ticket to Drive Green, Plastic to Fuel (PTF), CMU PCM, and an exceptional $10K ticket for Partners with Sun. These startups will continue with the incubation journey and focus on proving their concept and product development.

Needless to mention, halfway through the program, six startups were granted their first ticket of $5,000 in order to help them develop their prototype and optimize their solutions:

We’ve been sailing against the tides for the past seven months, and we have mastered maintaining the needed agility to thrive, prosper, and fulfill our goal, with the support of our partners at UNDP, Lebanese American University, and Ovation. 

Our mission doesn’t end here! More startups would still benefit from the mentorship, the training, and will still have many opportunities to raise and unlock funding.

You can always learn more about the cohort in the Our Startups page.

Stay tuned for more announcements.

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