More About Suncode: 5 Questions with our startups

More About Suncode: 5 Questions with our startups

Energy Innovation Hub, is a platform designed to combine game-changing ideas & innovative solutions in the energy sector. All in the aim to help empower Lebanon, it offers financial, technical and networking support for its startups with industry pioneers who stand as potential clients.

Proudly introducing Suncode, co-founded by Haydar Sleiman who is currently enrolled in our Energy Innovation Hub, a startup that ensures the continuity of the Lebanese agricultural sector while ensuring high food safety standards through a solar powered green and sustainable food dryer. The food industry is definitely a sector worth tackling as Lebanon exports around 500,000 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables worth 225 million euros. The remaining produce; however, are sold in local markets for consumption, drying, and storing purposes as for “Mouneh”, or unfortunately rotten and considered as food waste. So, let’s take a closer look on how Suncode integrates technological advancement to keep the farming practices going amid the huge food safety and economic issues in Lebanon.

Q. What inspired you to establish Suncode? How did you come up with the idea?

A. I come from an agricultural family and I’ve observed that one of the main challenges that farmers face during the harvest season  is the large amount of produce that needs to be sold in the market in a very short timeline. Usually, these unsold produce in local markets are considered by wholesalers rotten and wasted. The farmers on the other hand, store and dry these fruits and vegetables on building rooftops in open air without any hygiene or safety measures. This is how the idea came to life in a university project. We wanted to tackle the above problems in a pocket friendly/sustainable solution. So we invented a solar food dryer that decreases food waste and improve the quality of dried produce in terms of the food safety, color, texture and taste.

Q. What makes Suncode unique and different from other alternatives within the market?

A. Our solution is powered by solar energy. Given that it does not require any electricity from other sources, farmers can easily dry their produce without any electric setup in their own fields. Also, there is a 100-110% price difference in comparison to electric food dryers present in the market which makes our solution user-friendly, easy to clean and profitable with its zero operational and maintenance costs. 

Q. What are the challenges you faced while launching your business and how did you overcome it?

A. Suncode’s challenge was introducing our product to the market along with the implications of COVID 19 and the economic crisis in Lebanon which increases and impacts the price of raw materials. We joined Facebook groups and overcame these challenges by installing demo plats in several agricultural regions such as the Beqaa, Chouf Jnoub and Akkar, improving our product and allowing the farmer to test and prove the effectiveness of our solar dryer. 

Q. In your opinion, what is the key to success ? What advice would you give other startups in the industry?

A. The key to success is hard work, determination and consistency. Startups should be aware that failure is one of the steps leading to success especially in the current economic situations in Lebanon, entrepreneurs shouldn’t give up but instead should find new opportunities within every challenge. Lastly, startups should focus on research and development and introducing and enhancing technological advancements to their products.

Q. What should we expect next from Suncode? 

A. As Suncode, we are constantly trying to improve our products and support the Lebanese farmers by offering them the most efficient high quality budget friendly solar dryers and solutions. We are expanding our product line to include solar distillers used for fragrant and medical herbs, and working on a solar cooker that reduces the dependency on gas and electric cookers.

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