More about Necess: 5 Questions with Our Startups

More about Necess: 5 Questions with Our Startups

Necess is an accessible and affordable eco-friendly and locally manufactured label that aims to democratize sustainable fashion through eco-friendly innovative garments that can be found on necess’s e-commerce platform or resellers such as cookie dough, lebelik and lemonade fashion.

What makes Necess unique is the positive ecosystem stubbornness it relies on as the environment is at the core of its mission: Necess’s 100% organic cotton contributes to 46% less carbon emissions, 88% less water consumption and 0 pesticides.

Energy Innovation Hub is a platform that combines unique ideas and innovative solutions in the energy sector, aiming to help power Lebanon. Necess, co-founded by Riham Hijazi is currently enrolled in our Energy Innovation Hub where we offer financial and technical supports with partners as well as networking opportunities with industry experts and potential clients.

1. What inspired you to establish Necess? How did you come up with the idea?

We started Necess in order to gain awareness about the impact of fast fashion and because we wanted more sustainable options.

2. What makes Necess unique and different from other solutions within the market?

Necess is more accessible since it’s at least 40% cheaper than any other alternative on the market. And most importantly, Necess is a genuinely sustainable brand that doesn’t resemble the green-washed high street brands. We’re getting into the smallest detail of the impact our brand is making and offsetting.

3. What are the challenges you faced while launching your business and how did you overcome it?

We started Necess at a very precarious time: our country was in the middle of an economic crisis and our planet was barely recovering from covid-19. We had all kinds of challenges from logistical delays, to sourcing, to finding local talent. But with patience and persistence, you eventually do what needs to get done.

4. In your opinion, what is the key to success? What is an advice that you would give other startups in the industry?

The key to success is to believe in what you do and to do it happily and authentically.

5. What should we expect next from Necess? 

We’re hoping Necess will become the first brand people think of when they are looking for
simple and essential sustainable pieces. A more diverse collection and a new range of
colors should be coming soon as well.

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