5 Questions with Innergy Solutions

5 Questions with Innergy Solutions

Innergy Solutions, previously known as CMU-PCM Tech is a startup that works on developing innovative sustainable construction material, aiming to enhance the thermal comfort of the building while also reducing its electrical consumption. 

Energy Innovation Hub is a platform that combines unique ideas and innovative solutions in the energy sector, aiming to help power Lebanon. Innergy Solutions, founded by Dr. Talal Salam, Chantal Ghaseb and Dr. Najib Metni is currently enrolled in our Energy Innovation Hub where we offer financial and technical support with partners as well as networking opportunities with industry experts and potential clients.

1.What inspired you to establish Innergy Solutions? How did you come up with the idea? 

Since the building and the construction sector are responsible for more than one-third of the global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, we wanted to contribute to alleviating this problem. Coming from a strong engineering and business background, we decided to develop a passive and energy efficient solution by reinventing the concrete masonry units that are widely used in building envelopes and making them energy efficient without changing the traditional construction process.

2.What makes Innergy Solutions unique and different from other solutions within the market?

What differentiates us from other existing products is that we offer a means of energy storage, not only insulation, in addition to having a tailored solution for every project. By collecting data regarding the project, including climatic conditions and building specifications, we can customize a unique block for maximum efficiency. With the addition of bio-based phase change material, our product can store latent energy and guarantees a reduction in energy consumption by up to 40% while improving the indoor thermal comfort 

3.What are the challenges you faced while launching your business and how did you overcome them?

One of the challenges we faced since we first initiated our startup was raising awareness and building customer trust in the energy efficiency benefits of our product. We wanted to show our potential customers, who are used to either conventional building material or basic energy efficient ones that our innovation is better. By performing numerous quality tests on our product and conducting our first pilot testing, we were able to prove the uniqueness of our product that differentiates it from existing options, and our potential early adopters were also able to grasp our distinctive value.

4.In your opinion, what is the key to success? What is an advice that you would give other startups in the industry?

Passion, determination, and a positive attitude are the keys to success. You can be an entrepreneur and establish a company with the right mindset. Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who take risks, who are not afraid of failure, and who always accept constructive criticism and try to improve.

5. What should we expect next from Innergy Solutions? 

Our aim is to help our community, as much as we can, by providing them with a unique energy efficient solution that is very much needed in these times of crisis. Our product is ready to enter the market, and we are currently searching for customers to adopt our product and conduct a real-life pilot project. Our future plan is to expand to France and other European countries. Our vision is to be one of the leading companies specializing in energy efficient construction material and we strongly believe that our solution is the future of sustainable construction.

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