Not a classic environmental awareness campaign:<br>Why you need to start considering sustainable approaches by 2022

Not a classic environmental awareness campaign:
Why you need to start considering sustainable approaches by 2022

The concept of sustainability has become more and more recurrent, especially when it comes to businesses, institutions, organizations, and corporates. The key is to include sustainability in the very core of products, goods, and services in order to meet our needs without compromising those of future generations. That way, we would be conserving natural resources as well as the Earth’s capacity to carry on for years to come.

Why does everyone need to consider sustainable approaches?

Sustainability is beneficial for the environment. Being environmentally friendly is major as it saves lives and reduces risks of death due to many factors related to the environment. In fact, according to data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors, millions of deaths occur annually due to air pollution and unsafe water. Plus, global pesticide contributes to soil pollution and its use is expected to increase as the global population heads towards an expected 8,5 billion.

In fact, the quality of life, as well as the ecosystem, are automatically improved and natural resources are preserved once sustainability is included and explored in various contexts such as economic development and social responsibility. In the short run as well as the long-term, becoming environmentally conscious is extremely beneficial for the company.

Embracing sustainability has major benefits:

  • By practicing sustainability, we are ensuring a safe and livable future to everyone
  • Sustainable practices lead to important reductions in energy costs, in the long-term
  • When sustainable actions are taken, water and air quality are improved, landfills are reduced and renewable energy sources are increased

How do we practice sustainability? And how can we recognize that the environment is an exhaustible resource?

We can make simple choices that actually go a long way. We can all “go sustainable” by:

  • Relying on paperless options
  • Using sustainable products, from clothing to beauty, to food and energy
  • Opting for bikes and runs/walks when having short distances to travel
  • Choosing reusable products and recycled materials
  • Cutting down on plastic
  • Recycling plastic and paper

That being said, sustainability should be an integral part of every division of any business.

The world needs your sustainability more than ever.

Go eco-friendly now!

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